Cranked up our 'small' vege garden & is coming on nicely with regular watering but the weeds are showing everywhere. Only small, mostly too small to pull out just yet but is there a spray or an easy cure that won't kill the plants. Tomatoes are tall enough but other things are short lettuces etc. Had originally killed everything off with roundup ages ago & hadn't planted anything last season so rotary hoe'd it then emptied in a couple of big bags of 'warehouse' something to perk it up & hoe'd it in then planted. Thanks.
Jan 13, 8:48am
Get some hay and spread all over and around plants, two problems solved, keeps the soil cooler and wetter and stops weeds, or straw or peasstraw
Jan 13, 9:10am
Or you could get a push hoe and do a bit each day to keep them down. I quite like push hoes.
Jan 13, 9:19am
Just push hoe while they are really small. otherwise you will be handpulling and push hoe is way easier. just natural part of vege gardening.
Jan 13, 9:20am
Please dont use roundup where you are going to plant veges to eat.
Jan 13, 10:29am
Don't spray without anything where you are going to plant veges to eat!
Jan 13, 10:31am
Pull them out, water thoroughly and then mulch.
Jan 13, 11:14am
And hay will give you a lovely crop of grass - pea straw is better.
Jan 13, 11:33am
I do a little weeding each morning ,just a little bit but keeps them in check,quiet time before everybody is around, just me and the veges.
Jan 13, 11:34am
Yes, at least you can eat any peas which may grow.
Jan 13, 12:30pm
Don't bother pulling out - just peastraw on top, or maybe a sheet of newspaper first if you prefer.
Jan 13, 12:32pm
Dont use hay,you eill get untold weeds and grass, pea steaw is ok
Jan 13, 12:45pm
Don't use hay. The best mulch is leaves. rots down and makes that lovly black, crumbly soil. Or if you must, use commercial mulch.
Jan 14, 3:55pm
Thanks to all above, just remembered i posted this question. Appreciate all answers & will let ya know how it pans out.
Jan 14, 5:15pm
don't spray with anything (at least I think that's what you're saying. ?)?
Cobblers - a garlic and vinegar dilute spray, with a drop of detergent, is EXCELLENT in keeping insects down (though admittedly not great for weed control if the thread. )
And spraying used dishwater (with a touch of detergent) is excellent for spraying on citrus leaves with scale or sooty mould.
And spraying with a dilute form of manure in water, or worm wees watered down, or seaweed rotted down and diluted are 3 excellent form of sprays for fertilising both veges and flowers.
I agree with not spraying weedkillers on areas where food will be produced, but that's not what was said (weedkiller wasn't specified) - which was ""Don't spray without anything where you are going to plant veges to eat!"". You don't wanna stop people spraying the "good things"" that do enhance veges and other edible plants.
Jan 13, 1:02am
This! I do this to keep weeds down in our garden. It's no biggie and doesn't take long as well as giving you time out in the garden.
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