How soon can I mow Lawn after spraying weeds

mops4, Mar 12, 6:56pm
just finished spraying weeds in the lawn and would like to know how long before am able to mow it.

ttwisty, Mar 12, 10:03pm
i would have mowed first then sprayed

laurie9, Mar 12, 10:05pm
About 3 week depending on the weather conditions.

rover79, Mar 13, 2:13am
If you use something like round up, a week is ok, just don't cut too low, I consider 3 low and 4 ok.
In a week the poison has sucked down to the main and root part. I have cut after 3 or 4 days and would have just given another light squirt if it needed it but never has.
I do it once a year myself.

bugin, Mar 13, 4:57am
Why the heck would you spray with round up -unless you are planning to plant spuds later.

skin1235, Mar 13, 5:10am
what weeds are you spraying
wondering if they are flatweeds or broadleaf, and suggest a better way is to buy a small bag of urea, and put a teaspoon full in the heart of each weed, it will burn out the roots and leave a fertilizer to encourage the surrounding grasses to grow into the space

skin1235, Apr 15, 3:12am
OP if you're using turfix be aware you cannot compost the cuttings for several months, the herbicide will kill anything you mulch with it, it will also 'kill' your compost heap making it heavy and slow to work ( and encourage smell )