Coastal fruit trees - Wellington area

tui93, May 20, 7:19pm
Hi I'm looking to plant small fruit trees / bushes at the coast down here. We have a fullgrown fig, an orange and a meyer lemon. We have only narrow borders in a sheltered spot, so I can't plant anything wider than 1 metre. Any ideas? I was thinking encore mandarin, and ? feijoas. Tamarillo, but I'm not sure how big they get. It's dry in the summer too.

dibble35, May 20, 8:01pm
Feijoas should do well, along with guavas if you want to keep them both trimmed. Tamarillos need protection from frosts and need a sheltered spot to grow in. What about blueberries?

kaylin, May 21, 5:27pm

tui93, Oct 4, 7:06pm
Put in blueberries, plums would get too big. Also a pomegranate. But I will get some feijoas. And a tamarillo.