How to keep cats out of garden?

nzoomed, Dec 24, 11:00am
Ive had a cat dig up my watermellon mound and expose the roots, and no its not pooping, just digging!

Hope its OK, but i had made a barrier with sticky tape, had been working up to now, but one cat has managed to get through.

Any ideas?

Ive been told none of the expensive products work.

lyndad59, Dec 24, 11:05am
I want to know too ! Sick of them digging out my bedding plants, Grrrrrrr

nzoomed, Dec 24, 11:16am
I thought cats only dig to poop.
but why they want to go for my mound ill never know.

Tons of fresh loose dirt all over the place.

nonumbers, Dec 24, 11:17am
I use either rocks or short bamboo sticks stuck in the soil close enough to stop my lot digging. Most of the time it works. Are you sure it's a cat and not a rabbit?

mrscat, Dec 24, 1:52pm
Apparently, the best idea is to give them a small space all of their own to dig in.

lythande1, Dec 24, 2:25pm
They like soft, easily digable dirt.
Either they have another, or put netting or cotton or something like that round, like you do with birds.
Once the plants are established they won't, not enough bare dirt.
This I know, having 3 of my own and several gardens.

veejay13, Dec 24, 6:21pm
My latest trial has been to surround the garden bed with foil wrap. Apparently the cats don't like the feel of it on their feet, also their claws make funny noises on it. It's been a couple of months since I started this, so far with 100% success.

nzoomed, Dec 24, 11:50pm
cool, ill try that

gregmran, Dec 25, 6:00am

androth2, Dec 25, 11:49am
My cat digs a hole in hot weather ,then they sit in it

gregmran, Dec 25, 7:04pm
you missed the "h" .

oh_hunnihunni, Dec 26, 10:49am
They like to dig nest spaces as well as holes to bury their poo in. The best tricks I've found are these - plant heavily, and water in to compact the disturbed soil. Plant twigs in among new seedlings, and scatter dry leaves to deter paws and bums, and do a lot of yelling when you spot miscreants eyeing up potential digging space. Avoid using mulches that are easily turned over, and have a well maintained litterbox inside for family cats - most of them prefer that to dirty paws.

And good luck.

devonwrecked, Dec 26, 11:02am
I also have a well maintained outdoor litter box in an old dog kennel - my own cats prefer it to the flower beds, and foreigners can't get in because of my nice electric cat fence.

groovydad, Dec 26, 6:56pm
You sound like a very responsible cat owner. Respect.

planespotterhvn, Jan 21, 8:53am
Frisky Jack Russel will see to the cats.