How to remove rust/urine stain on vinyltoiletfloor

beachboy61, Apr 28, 9:12pm
I've just replaced a 30 year old toilet which had a larger base than the new one and there is now a brown rusty coloured stain on the vinyl in front of where the new one sits.
I've tried JIF and other floor cleaners but nothing works.
Any ideas on how to remove the stain?

cantabman1, Apr 29, 12:20am
Go out and buy some C.L.R; problem solved. There are less expensive products available, but I cannot advertise here.

whitehead., Apr 29, 1:19am
ive used straight loo cleaner ,i built a small loo paper wall around the stain and tipped loo cleaner one of the thick ones on it and left it over night worked a treat

sandymrph, Apr 29, 1:58am

richard362, Jan 21, 3:18pm
Get the women to face the back when seated.