Going plant shopping for the new vege garden

omaria, Aug 25, 3:16am
Can someone tell me whats the best to start with at this time of year. The soil has been prepared and the area is near a fence with full day sun. Mostly West facing.

loukirby, Aug 25, 3:24am
what do you like to eat?

lythande1, Aug 25, 3:29am
Waitakere. anything you like.
You grow stuff you want to eat. One thing, capsicums take ages. so they tend to be what I put in first.
Don't believe seed packets or labels, they all say full sun but many veges don't actually like full sun.
Better to read some gardening books or online sites.

omaria, Aug 25, 4:09am
Thanks will do. I never use seeds, takes too long LOL

tourer100, Aug 25, 4:15am
It’s still a bit early to plant ou, bit cold for a lot yet, put them somewhere in the sun till next month, when the temp should start rising .

omaria, Aug 25, 5:03am
I have a little greenhouse where I could put them for now with my cactil collection :)

omaria, Aug 25, 9:14am
Wow, we got 10 little young vegeplant plant trays, about 6 plants in each, 5 packets of seeds, all for $21 wow we will eat cheap if we get it all growing. Could not find any beef, chicken or pork seeds :)

firob, Aug 26, 6:40pm
Broad beans, silverbeat, cauli, get the seed spuds sprouting ready to sow. Good luck.

arabelle, Aug 27, 2:32am
If you start seeds off NOW then you will be at the right time for planting out, Sept/Oct notorious for frosts and heavy rains, so to have seedlings that have been hardened off and grown in your own environment will do far better than the hothouse babies starting to show in the shops now.
But if you live in a non-frosty non-heavy wind/rain area, then it won't matter, just remember the snails and slugs are waiting for all food you put in front of them so put out snail bait now if you dont have hens to clear the population

sharmon, Oct 1, 12:10pm
lythande1 wrote:
Waitakere. -
anything you like.
You grow stuff you want to eat. One thing, capsicums take ages. so they tend to be what I put in first.
Don't believe seed packets or labels, they all say full sun but many veges don't actually like full sun.
So where do commercial growers grow vegtables?