Want to buy a tree

glynsmum, Mar 31, 12:09pm
for a small garden not deciduous but a pretty shape and the leaves and branches move in the wind ,full sun any suggeations please?

zak410, Mar 31, 12:37pm
Silk tree ?

glynsmum, Mar 31, 12:44pm
Yes I agree, but too large thanks for answering.

nonumbers, Mar 31, 2:02pm
Crab apple?

kateley, Mar 31, 3:39pm
Olive trees have very pretty leaves

piquant, Apr 1, 9:16am
I'm struggling to think of anything that fits the brief, quite frankly - especially if Albizzia is too big (and it's deciduous). There's only a couple of things I could think of - and they are all deciduous - Cercis canadensis "Forest Pansy", Ginkgo biloba "Jade Butterflies" and some of the smaller growing acers. Oh! and liquidamber "Gumball".

uniracer, Apr 1, 10:23am
Maybe not the prettiest tree, but we're thinking of planting a Feijoa for a small space- nice flowers, non-invasive root system and tough in the wind.

korban, Apr 1, 10:24am
Mangolia, some are ever greens and don’t grow too big.

cameron-albany, Apr 1, 5:14pm
If you don't want deciduous then you might want to look at some of the natives. I'm thinking 5-finger (Pseudopanax) or a kowhai? They have nice leaves and not too big.
If you decide a deciduous one might be ok then a great recommendation for a small garden is crepe myrtle in my opinion - they are stunning and can be kept smallish, and I agree with piquant above that Gingko would also be lovely.

venna2, Apr 1, 5:53pm
Feijoa tree, a self pollinating type if you want just one tree.

dibble35, Apr 1, 6:48pm
How about a Hoheria? Theres a nice one with a purplish backing to the leaves. Hoheria Sexstylosa Purple lace (or purpurea? )
Gets to around 4M x 2M

magenta, Apr 1, 8:39pm
How about a miniature kowhai tree. Mine has not grown more than a metre high but it is in the poorest soil in my garden so with a bit better environment it might grow bit bigger. Attracts the tuis as well.

glynsmum, Apr 2, 9:10am
oh wow people thankyou just came back to this thread I will look at all suggestions,I'll come back when I've decided thanks again.

uniracer, Apr 2, 9:25am
We have several of these- Sophora Dragons Gold. Flowers well, and you can get them in standard. My mum has three standard versions sitting about 1.5m high.

glynsmum, Apr 2, 3:51pm
Well I don't know-------MEN-------- he went to Mitre 10 to buy a bolt came home witha $200 Michelia Yunnanensis. just hope we're not sorry. thanks again everyone.

topseycat, Apr 2, 4:14pm
Gotta be a fruit tree. You cant eat Magnolias or Kowhais, so pointless planting them

dibble35, Apr 2, 4:57pm
Its a nice tree, but $200, must be huge!

venna2, Apr 2, 5:01pm
I agree! The only trees I plant are fruit trees. You definitely can't eat five-finger, for instance, and in my experience it can grow huge. It's all very well having native trees but I prefer fruit I can eat.

topseycat, Apr 2, 5:07pm
My Dads gardening ethic was "If you can't eat it don't grow it" and I live by that philosophy to

floydandu2, Nov 29, 2:58pm
Well, the tuis love kowhai, so that's a non-edible I'd make an exception for.