Kowhai Tree, how tall do they grow?

kassie48, Oct 6, 5:07pm
Given one today & no idea where to plant. Can it go in a large pot?

maclad, Oct 6, 5:10pm
Depends on the cultivar, some are small, others grow very large. I would suggest that if it has large leaves then maybe it needs to go in the ground.

biscuitd, Oct 6, 5:33pm
Excuse my ignorance, but how 'large' are 'large' leaves? I am not a gardener really, but would love to be!

golfdiver, Oct 6, 5:36pm
5-8 metres

docsportello, Oct 6, 5:39pm
Little ones full size are about 2-3mm and big ones about 6-7. Little kowhai stay little for around 12 years i heard. I have one in a pot. Its like an extended adolescence. Then it grows some more. Im on about year three and although is it a little bigger, my large kowhai grew from 50cm to a 2m spreading tree in the same period.

kassie48, Oct 6, 6:14pm
Thanks, just a 'tiddler', may try in a pot

trade4us2, Oct 6, 7:48pm
Sophora microphylla has tiny leaves, about 3mm long, and and S. tetraptera has 7mm leaves.
They are very hard to grow, so I would recommend putting it in the ground where it's less likely to dry out.

maclad, Oct 6, 7:50pm
Since when were Kowhai hard to grow? Very easy to grow and take care of themselves unless they get borer and even then they seem to last years. they even overcome Kowhai moth caterpillar.

trade4us2, Oct 6, 11:07pm
The council planted a dozen Kowhai trees. There's only one that hasn't died.

cleggyboy, Oct 7, 8:48am
People need to be aware all parts of Kowhai are poisonous.

docsportello, Oct 7, 8:50am
People also need to be aware all parts of bleach is poisonous.

golfdiver, Oct 7, 9:06am
Well they put it in our drinking water

bryshaw, Oct 7, 11:09am
We have 50 yr old kowhais in our section and they must be at least 20 metres.

valleygirl16, Oct 10, 10:47pm
They come in all sizes and once established they will self-seed everywhere. Great for bringing in the tui's and kereru

fefeoc, Oct 12, 9:42pm
And of course, you can prune them to keep them the size you want. We have one that was probably planted when the house was built (1970's) which is easily as tall as our 2 storey house. The 4 others we have planted along the back fence we have trimmed to keep them from blocking our view. They flower in succession in spring and it means the garden is full of tui's for weeks. We really did just plant them, stake them - because we are in Wellington - and let them go for it. And they have been fine, so don't worry about your lack of green fingers!

macandrosie, Oct 16, 2:02pm
My kowhai (not sure the variety) self seeds in the garden in Southland. Plants seem to self seed if they're in a happy environment. Get alot of pittosporums too.

apollo11, Mar 5, 4:07pm
I transplanted half a dozen two meter tall specimens last summer and it looks like only one won't make it (the largest one).