Does Anyone Grow Saffron?

deanna14, Apr 13, 8:51pm
It wasn't a good season (apparently) I probably didn't water it enough (1st time growing) they died off, I planted some marigolds in the bed in the mean time. I just cleared the marigolds as they were spent, and here's all this new growth of saffron and one was fully flowered with stamens. How's yours?

morticia, Apr 13, 9:15pm
Do you mean crocus? Never grown them but would like to. Where did you get your bulbs from?

deanna14, Apr 13, 9:17pm
Ah, yes apparently Crocus, whoops. I think I got them from a man in Ch Ch. I have sent him a msg, so I am waiting for him to confirm it was him.

deanna14, Apr 13, 11:30pm
It appears they should be coming up now. All a learning experience.

ebygum1, Apr 14, 12:11am
Bought some Crocus today from the Warehouse.

paora-tm, Apr 14, 12:33am
Mine are just starting to appear. I bought mine from a Chch TM seller. They're listed as Saffron Corms.

punkinthefirst, Apr 14, 1:34am
Saffron is a member of the crocus family, but not the pretty garden crocus - that's a different species.

samanya, Apr 14, 2:02am
I'm in a similar climate to you & I've grown saffron for the last three years & I plucked my first 3 stamens yesterday
Last years crop was enough for one dish!
I have about 60 corms plus their "babies".
I have been watching my plot daily & so far I'm getting a bit of foliage, so because the flowers (& stamens) appear first I'm wondering if I'm going to get a less than good crop this year . in spite of my nurturing during a drought, which you have had too.
So far . 3 strands of saffron for me!

deanna14, Apr 14, 4:17am
Not sure if mine got nurtured or not, thought I did water the marigolds that were planted over them. Two strands. Maybe not that good, from one very wet flower.

I started with 50 corms, just last year. So the flowers and stamens appear first?

Someone I know spoke to a grower a few weeks ago who said this year they need a couple of downpours of rain and a frost to get them sprouting. He has about million corms and only had 40 flower so far. If you replant the corms you've

deanna14, Apr 14, 4:34am
Ignore those last 5 words, it was a copy and paste. Didnt get time to knock that bit off.

samanya, Apr 14, 4:53am
Mine are looking a lot like yours . maybe less foliage & I only got my 3 strands yesterday . so fingers crossed. They multiply iike hell, so if we don't get many threads this year . maybe next year? Good luck.

deanna14, Apr 14, 2:27pm

Well if it a cold spell they need last night should help.

deanna14, Apr 14, 2:28pm
Thanks, its great to talk to someone else who is growing it.

samanya, Apr 16, 7:00pm
I have a couple more flowers open today . so it's happening, slowly.

deanna14, Apr 17, 8:07pm
I'm awaiting flower number 3, but no sign.

samanya, Feb 1, 9:53am
How do you dry yours?