I have 6 old flowering cherries & they have started suckering all over the place . in the lawn & flower gardens & up through other shrubs, as far away from the main trees by up to 15m +. It's a damned nuisance & some I have chopped off & given a little drink of round up, with no apparent side effects on the main trees. I'd like to know what do others do when this happens?
Feb 7, 4:20am
Any one?
Feb 7, 4:28am
they free seed from birds etc very easily, one tree in a suburb can be the parent for several thousands of new trees in the area, suspect what you have is not 'suckers' ( suckers are from roots under the ground)
15mts is a very long way for roots to travel from a 6 yr old tree
the new shoots pull out very easily - and have no effect on the lawn after mowing regularly
Feb 7, 4:34am
There's not much you can do. I mow over mine if they are in the lawn but if in the garden soil then I dig down and twist the root and pull it out. We cannot poison them because it would travel back to the tree and kill it.
Feb 7, 7:53am
Thanks for your reply They are definitely not seedlings (get those from neighbours as well) & the trees are more like 30 yrs old & I have 6 of them. The suckers don't pull out easily.
Feb 7, 7:55am
Thanks will give that a go where I can. One large sucker is growing in the middle of a Camellia which would be difficult. It's only started happening over the last 3 -4 years.
Feb 7, 10:18am
Trees usually sucker like this because the roots have been damaged, perhaps scalped by the mower. You will be likely stuck with continuous suckering now. Not really much you can do apart from removing them as close to the root as possible, hopefully reducing the number of new suckers. You could try poison after you cut the suckers, I cannot see that killing your tree. I have a Bay tree which suckers repeatedly under the canopy near the trunk, hundreds of them. I spray with Roundup. Does not kill them or the parent tree but reduces and slows down new suckers.
Feb 7, 10:31am
Was hoping for answers that I could apply to a Robinia Lacy Lady. It sends suckers a very long way in all directions- including under the concrete pad of the house.
Feb 7, 1:15pm
Thanks for that . good to know.
I have the same Bay tree problem.
I bought it as a grafted standard & I have only cut the suckers off at ground level . frequently!
I have heard the root damage thing as a cause & that could well be the case with my cherry trees, but I think bay trees are different because mine is in a raised herb garden & although it's a nuisance with the suckers, I wouldn't be without it . nothing like fresh Bay leaves in the kitchen, huh?
Feb 7, 1:17pm
mine on stone drive i tryed to dig up and repot but never any luck never a problem with a bay tree
Dec 28, 11:01am
I have the same problem with bay tree in raised garden. Camellias and Magnolia doing the same too. I just do and annual snip off.
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