Leaking hose connector

jh34, Aug 4, 12:17pm
This Y junction has a screw collar. It is hard to get it not to leak because it is in two parts. I think I have done it up as tight as possible and I've used graphite and hemp.
Does anyone know what I'm getting at?

johotech, Aug 4, 12:58pm
Has it got the "O" ring in it?
A 3/4" flat one usually.
It shouldn't need any hemp.

gpg58, Aug 4, 12:59pm
would have usually had a flat rubber washer.
If tap face is flat, and same on y joint, then it should have been good enough.

jh34, Aug 4, 3:00pm
Yes the Y has a new washer.

snoopy221, Aug 4, 3:14pm
Possibly a hard plastic type one.
A simple trip to any tool supply and obtaining a soft round rubber o ring may allow sealing As it should seal on the faces rather than leaking via the thread

sooby, Aug 4, 4:37pm
I feel ta pain - nothing worse than a leak to ruin an otherwise good irrigation system!

gpg58, Oct 11, 7:48am
snoopy221 wrote:
Possibly a hard plastic type one.

Or even too soft a one maybe, (being squeezed into bore of tap or y) especially if over-tightened.
But also, are you certain there isnt a fine crack in mating surface