Cheap and easy garden filler - foliage

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tc47, Jan 8, 4:38pm
I have just moved into a rental and the flower beds are pretty bare. I would like to fill them up, but don't have the time or money for anything too fancy. Agapanthus could work, but I'd like other ideas if anyone has recommendations.

Thanks a bunch

harrislucinda, Jan 8, 5:14pm
you want plants to last and so you can take with you when on the move again or flowers type as so much different ideas

gpg58, Jan 8, 5:14pm worked for me this season, (comes in 2 or 3 flavours), will fill the 3 new beds i have made, with long term stuff over time.
correction, this is the actual one i used.

tc47, Jan 8, 5:57pm
I am not fussed on taking them and ideally want something that grows quite densely to keep with weeds down.

harrislucinda, Jan 8, 6:33pm
any ground cover then from plant shop

maclad, Jan 8, 6:44pm
Is the area sunny/shady or wet/dry. That counts lots when selecting plants

macandrosie, Jan 8, 6:55pm
catmint is a great ground cover plant that pretty much flowers most of the summer. You can split it in the autumn (carefully) to create more plants. Don't be too hard on the roots, if you offend it it won't come away in the spring so well.I use an old steak knife & cut through the top of the plant.

tc47, Jan 9, 7:41am
there's a mix. All quite dry (one part is quite shady and the other quite sunny)

tc47, Jan 9, 7:42am
I really do just want to sprinkle some seeds around and walk away haha. The wild flowers mix suggested above might be my best bet.

aloha3, Jan 9, 1:49pm
Rosemary. Push plenty of cuttings in the ground and some will grow and cover the weeds. You can come and get some cuttings from my place and I will show you.

starseeker, Jan 10, 9:38pm
I do NOT recommend Agapanthus . you will never get rid of them

lythande1, Jan 11, 7:06am
And have you asked the property owner? I'd kill you if you planted that weed at my place. I've had the stuff, takes forever to try and get rid of it, spreads all over the place. Remember it's not your place. Stick to something that isn't a weed.

jan2242, Jan 11, 8:51am
No to agapanthas - they will take over the whole garden and you will never be rid of them

harrislucinda, Jan 11, 11:05am
hostas are great maintenance free green all year round then flowers spring wonder what tc47 had gone for

tc47, Jan 11, 2:24pm
Thanks, there is already some in other areas of the garden. Hence the idea. I didn't realise it was such an invasive plant. But would you really 'kill' a tenant who was attempting to maintain the garden in your rental. That's a bit over the top :(

starseeker, Jan 12, 7:08pm
Try planting Nandina, a very pretty foliage plant,

brightlights60, Jan 12, 9:03pm
You could always pick up some nice cheap second hand pots or use imaginative containers and make a container garden that you can take with you when you go. Google is your friend.

lakeview3, Jan 13, 9:16am
hostas will burn if they get too much sun and can be prone to slug and snail damage.

You could plant something like alstroemeria which will flower continuously if you feed and water it. That’s if you want something flowering.

If you wanted something more low maintenance you could plant mini flaxes in different colours and some other natives such as coprosma, corokia or pseudopanax to get the different colours/textures.

lakeview3, Jan 13, 9:17am
a weed is only something that grows somewhere where you don’t want it

harrislucinda, Jan 13, 10:05am
i guess we cant please everyone as we have different ideas my hosta plants in full sun and alstroemeria grow like weeds keep pulling them out cant get rid of the buggers and my Agapanthus just stay in a neat group never a problem

lakeview3, Jan 13, 10:38am
refer my post 20

ruby2shoes, Jan 13, 11:15am
for groundcovers, I've got curly sage and a type of pohuehue, which only need a bit of trimming. For shrubs, hebes, hydrangeas (shady spot) - these need a bit of cutting back once a year, coprosma, small pittosporums.

harrislucinda, Jan 13, 11:20am
we aren,t talking weeds all these flowers being mentioned are plants
dont you know the difference between weeds and plants
dont want you gardening seems all flowers are weeds to you lol

autumnwinds, Jan 14, 11:27pm
I like sage as a ground cover, too - it's easy to cut back, covers well, and I prefer the red sage. The reason is it's useful in cooking, but it's also excellent (chewing or tea or infusion in home made apple cider vinegar) for mouth ulcers and sore throats, and the colour is a great contrast to other plants.

It so happens I took a pic of a small triangular garden with red sage as a groundcover today.

kiwimade64, Jan 15, 7:29am
and in some districts they are considered a noxious weed.