Removing hair buildup from shower wastepipe

jacinda2059, Mar 25, 9:53pm
have a slow draining shower waste, (old type) non removable waste cover, whats the best way to remove hair , which is what i suspect is blocking it.

ralphdog1, Mar 25, 10:11pm

3ofeach, Mar 25, 11:09pm
Use Mr Muscle Drano, it dissolves the hair. I had the same problem and this worked perfectly.

marte, Mar 26, 12:47am
You may be able to find the tool at mitre10, its yellow plastic & looks like a long thin saw with teeth on both edges.
Made in America.
Push that down the hole and pull it out out with whatever's a attached to it.

dee238, Mar 26, 5:24am
I had the same problem once and used an old wire coat hanger. I straightened it out and then bent the end so it became a slim u type shape. I then put it down the drain and pulled up the hair. Worked perfectly. I then bought a plastic cover that had holes in it and that sat over the drain when hair was being washed. Would let water drain but not the hair. Hope this makes sense.

lythande1, Mar 26, 8:34am
Tweezers actually. Manual pulling out the gunk. If you can access under the house you can also unscrew the waste and get up at it that way too.
I did this for 6 years then got husband to swap the plug to one of those push down plug types, they don't have the little grill part so the hair just vanishes down the pipes now.

pauldw, Mar 26, 8:51am
I'm surprised you put up with this for 6 years! OP has shower so plug not relevant.

I use caustic soda to loosen stuff stuck in the shower u bend.

amasser, Mar 26, 3:12pm
Any or all of the above. Then, purchase a strainer to stop the problem. Much easier to remove hair from the shower tray than the drain, although it may need occasional use of a plunger.

jacinda2059, Mar 26, 4:01pm
thanks, everyone for all the advice given.

brouser3, Mar 26, 7:53pm
Wouldn't put a caustic mix down if you are on a septic tank tho' as it would probably stop the thing from working and then phew until you can put some stuff down and get it going again.

dibble35, Dec 3, 10:46pm
This, used to use it every month or 2, my god, always amazed me how much stinky slimy hair used to accumulate.