My runner beans have lots of red flowers but

omaria, Dec 2, 3:50pm
now the leaves are turning yellow :( I checked with google and they say its in the soli, but its all brand new soil in a brand new garden. Other vegetables look fine. Any suggestions?

quane1, Dec 2, 8:15pm
Just because it is new( to you) soil doesn't mean it has all the nutrients needed. It may still be a soil based problem.

docsportello, Dec 2, 8:27pm
Heat, humidity and soil dryness wil do it.

omaria, Dec 2, 10:24pm
Yes it has been hot, they are in direct sun most of the day, but they do get watered 2x a day.

cantabman1, Dec 3, 7:23am
Try some N P K, then at least you will know if it was a lack of the right minerals ,or not. try also to water in a little SeaSol on a regular period.

lythande1, Feb 2, 2:43pm
2x a day? That's bad. Never do that. Give them a good soak once or maybe twice a week instead. Beans like it HOT, we never start growing them until now. Peas finished (started in September), then the beans go in after.