Getting rid of Blackberry in the garden

john946, Dec 11, 1:47am
This request probably has been on before but I can't find anything recently. I have young blackberry - some very small, other about .5 metre long - in an overgrown part of the garden.I'd like to hear of a really good spray / treatment that would get rid of it permanantly - thanks.

loadmaster2, Dec 11, 1:50am
Pruners to cut it back to the base and a crowbar and shovel to up root it and throw it out

coast_palms, Dec 11, 2:00am
Roundup during the growing season.

ang_ck, Dec 11, 2:03am
This is what I used. Goto and buy the meturon and a wetting agent. The 500g container will last you a long time. Follow the instructions that is provided in the container. You just have to dissolve the granular in warm water. With the meturon solution, I also add roundup into it.

The above solution kills blackberry, gorse and gorse in my backyard. One thing you have to remember, is not to chop the plant down. You need to spray on the leaves.

harleypartsnz, Dec 11, 11:45am
Go to a farm outlet, buy a bottle of vigilant gel. Cut the blackberry 300mm above the ground and paint the fresh stump with Vigilant. The tops will die off and the stump wont regenerate. Vigilant can be used on all types of woody plants, where you cant spray because of overspray, and it is a relatively cheap way to control.

tigra, Dec 11, 2:16pm
You need something stronger than Round-Up and with a good residual effect. I used "Ultimate" (from farm outlets) succesfully. It contains Metsuplhuron.Cleared back large patches of Blackberry on a vacant section.

harleypartsnz, Dec 11, 9:03pm
Roundup at the proper rates will control blackberry. Residual effect is not relevant for blackberry.

mjc12, Dec 11, 9:10pm
Best way, and not as hard as it might seem for small stuff.A grubber works well.Vigilant, in my experience, travels through roots and kills other plants in the vicinity for a long time.

maclad, Dec 12, 10:45am
I would be inclined to try manual removal my self, it's not really so hard and will need to be done eventually even when the plant is dead. Much easier to handle a live plant than a dead one which keeps snapping and those dead thorns always seem so much nastier than when alive.

darryl, Dec 12, 5:42pm
What's the proper rate!

harleypartsnz, Dec 12, 8:59pm
I usually use 1.5 Ltrs per 100 Ltrs of water, or 15% depending on the quantity you are mixing. It doesnt hurt to have a splash of a spreader/sticker, for better penetration. Normal dish washing liquid will do if you dont have any. Make sure you spray to run-off and also spray the canes if possible. Spray as soon as you can, so fruit arent on the plant.

rainrain1, Dec 12, 9:07pm
I have been cutting mine back as far as I can, and painting it with straight woody wood killer.So far so good, but I am keeping an eye on it for new growth, and then whip out with the wood killer again

john946, Dec 13, 2:56am
Many thanks for all yur suggestions.C

eagles9999, Dec 13, 1:51pm
Sure it is. helps limit regrowth

oh_hunnihunni, Dec 13, 2:21pm
Yum, apple and blackberry jam. In pies. With custard.

steptoesnr, Dec 16, 3:56pm
1.5 litre/100 litre is 1.5% not 15%

rainrain1, Dec 16, 5:59pm
and icecream

boxbears, Dec 17, 2:17am
vigilant gel will sort it out

liggy2, Dec 18, 7:00am
Cut it and dig out the root - its easy that way.