Colourful outdoor blinds.we are wanting to

gallee, Mar 16, 10:09am
put outdoor blinds on the side of our wooden pergola. all the colours I have seen so far are greys, browns, blacks and whites. Im v keen for something colourful, any ideas where I could get this, even just material as can get them made. Thanks heaps if you can help.

junie2, Mar 16, 10:18am
Maybe spray or chalk paint? I now what you mean about the lack of colour - just try looking for tiles these days! All black, brown, grey and white. Boring!

lilyfield, Mar 16, 10:27am

christin, Mar 16, 10:38am
red and blue in this lot? can even put your own pictures on there too if you want. pinks greens oranges purple blues etc here

pattenrs, floral, glow in the dark stars, stripes and giraffes etc here and finally if you dont want full blackout, heres some green etc slightly different ones.

gallee, Mar 18, 4:19pm
Thanks heaps!

christin, Dec 7, 9:13am
No probs :-)