How to kill those bluebells?!

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macandrosie, Oct 5, 8:17pm
They are in the bulb family & they multiply profusely! Violet/blue bell like flowers. Can I just spray with roundup or something stronger?! They're taking over!

oh_hunnihunni, Oct 5, 10:30pm

Let them die down, lift them and sell them here.

shanreagh, Oct 6, 9:12am
Why?They are gorgeous. Pick them while they are flowering, let them die down and then move to a better place. or as Hunni says sell on here, give them away in damp newspaper wrapped bundles on Freecycle or Neighbourly.

oh_hunnihunni, Oct 6, 9:56am
They're probably wood hyacinths. If they are true bluebells, they're worth good money - better even than wood hyacinths which aren't cheap themselves.

Just think, you could be on to a real little earner and save yourself the cost of a pack of Round Up.

If, that is you aren't just having us on.

harrislucinda, Oct 6, 12:37pm
wondering if real blue bells as I have some and taken years to multiply

lazkaz, Oct 6, 1:13pm
They are so beautiful, check out what they look like on google, also I love grape hyacinths. They are prolific in my spring garden, I have white in both as well. I love the warmth of summer but spring is so pretty.

floydandu2, Oct 6, 1:16pm
Hmm. I have recently bought a house, and have thousands of bluebells (irises, freesias and even lily of the valley hiding in there too), and am wondering how I'm going to deal with them. Some will def have to go! Would they find their way through mulch easily if I covered them up for the rest of the year?

hunnihunni - I think "wood hyacinth" = "spanish bluebell"

floydandu2, Oct 6, 1:18pm

harrislucinda, Oct 6, 3:00pm
look purple to mine as they are true blue

harrislucinda, Oct 6, 3:11pm

cleggyboy, Oct 6, 3:20pm
They are called Spanish Bluebells. (Hyacinthoides hispanica)

oh_hunnihunni, Oct 6, 3:51pm
They were my Mum's favourite flower - spanish bb or wood hyacinths as she called them, so they have a place in my heart.

And if anyone wants a willing buyer for the discards (esp lily of the valley) Just wave to me, lol. I have a wild garden at our pensioner village that I am filling up with pretties, plenty of room for your garden refugees!

harrislucinda, Oct 6, 4:28pm
got plenty of lilly of the valley but just coming into flower now and very hard to remove-- plenty of weeds lol

rainrain1, Oct 6, 4:33pm
You have to dig out all the bulbs. I agree whatever type they are, they're a pain once they start to spread which mine are doing too, I'm beginning to hate them.

muffin52, Oct 6, 8:40pm
List them on here,I would love them and cant get enough of them. My friend paid $10. for a little pot of bluebells! .

hazelnut2, Oct 7, 8:25am
I miss mine! The house I sold in March had hundreds in the garden. They died down in summer, and were never seen under the woodchip until they came up again in spring. Awesome display!

oh_hunnihunni, Oct 7, 10:28am
How interesting it is when one man's meat becomes another's poison!

gilligee, Oct 7, 11:04am
It is easiest to lift them while in leaf as you can see where they are.
Heal them into their new home to die down and replenish their stocks.

macandrosie, Oct 9, 3:46pm
floydandu2 they are the ones I mean! They spread really fast & end in places you never meant them to be!

samanya, Oct 9, 7:03pm
I love my copious amount of 'bluebells' right now & then I start to hate them when they escape into the compost (hence vege garden) & then the leaves go all manky & smother everything in close proximity!
Only one place for them . under the trees & away from cultivated gardens. or England!

oh_hunnihunni, Oct 9, 7:04pm
Or my place. I have trees, lots of trees.

I'll pay postage. Honest.

samanya, Oct 10, 1:13pm
Remind me to list some when they have stopped flowering.

oh_hunnihunni, Oct 10, 3:45pm

samanya, Oct 10, 6:15pm
Will do . how many buckets full do you want?

samanya, Oct 10, 8:05pm
List something?