HELP! please - Tiling a Bathroom Floor & Walls

soxxy, Feb 27, 4:13pm
1. Do we apply Waterproofing on Tile & Slate Board before tiling.
2. Do we apply Gibstopping over wetline Gib that has to be tiled.
3. Do we apply Waterproofing on wetline Gib before tiling - whether or not Query 2 is done.

zak410, Feb 27, 4:48pm
1- yes
3- see link for where to waterproof, but never gib-stop where waterproofing.

soxxy, Feb 27, 7:29pm
Thankyou Zac for your prompt reply. I will ensure the tiler does exactly as you say.

stevo2, Feb 27, 9:12pm
Zac, are you sure on the "Never gib stop where waterproofing? Have never seen a job that has not been gib stopped, although it hasnt been stopped to a high quality. I would have thought that it would need to be at least stopped with paper tape.

stevo2, Feb 27, 9:51pm
Ok found it in the gib book
??? Jointing shall be carried out in accordance with instructions in the GIB® Site Guide
??? Water resistant GIB® AquaMix is recommended for the first two coats
??? No top coat is required

stevo2, Feb 27, 9:55pm
Click here download the gib site guide then scroll down to page 72

zak410, Feb 27, 10:00pm
To my knowledge Aquamix have been withdrawn from the market years ago, (or at least not being stoked in Placemakers (winstone) Whangarei for years).
Not a surprise either, that stuff used to keep on shrinking for a long time!

If you can find aquamix, use it, but never put gib bedding compound under a waterproof membrane, according to specs.

You got me curious though, when was last time you saw Aquamix being used?

edit # 6 I've seen that, wonder how old the edition is.

zak410, Feb 27, 10:06pm
found that:

"Pleased be advised that the GIB
AquaMix compounds will be phased out. Some
residual stock may still be available for some time. Contact your Winstone Wallboards
Area Sales Manager for further detail
s on residual stock availability."

Page 3

stevo2, Feb 27, 10:49pm
Correct, Aquastop is gone re post #5. Now use standard Tradeset instead.

Post #6 is current edition 2014 onwards of the site guide. Page 72 clearly states, "Gib paper reinforcing tape in Tradeset Compound. No topcoats required under impervious lining" " Adhesive fixed ceramic tiles laid over waterproof membrane"
As mentioned in earlier post, I have never seen or worked on a job where gib has not been stopped prior to waterproofing

zak410, May 17, 5:28am
I stand corrected, this is news to me,
the rules may have come full circles as that is like it used to be done, before waterproofing era.