Dunedin People anyone with walnut trees

southerngurl, Jan 18, 1:23am

The needle definitely goes straight through. They seem very young

anne1955, Jan 18, 7:43pm
Yes that's fine looks like our local southern ones are a later season. I have a big day today with hospital appointments and things so. Will be back here tonight to try and work something out with you. Have a nice day Anne

anne1955, Jan 19, 5:18am
What a day lol 3 hrs at fracture clinic to be told off for using my foot lol. Anyway I would be very interested in buying some of these walnuts minimum of 30 and dependant on price. If you are willing to sell some? Thanks Anne

southerngurl, Jan 19, 5:41am
really? i dunno price wise?

southerngurl, Jan 19, 8:27am
and u can have 30 lol theres a few hundred on the tree. what kinda price are u talking?

anne1955, Jan 19, 7:26pm
Hi I'd love them for free :) Or exchange for some of my pickles and jams and chutney's all homemade that I sell normally as a fundraiser for our hall. I have never tried using these so would rather they cost me as little as possible :) in case they end up costing me in making them and are not as I might like. I also have a sherry/liquor recipe for them in same state I have tried and is lovely so am happy to share in return for them.
So hard call on a question of price :) I do have other skills and would rather barter :) But would pay say 10.00 for 100 which would allow me to try a few different recipes.

anne1955, Jan 15, 9:30pm
Looking to find some one at least semi local that has a or some walnut tress Trying to find some nuts still at stage to pickle. Which should have been last month but being that bit further south they maybe still ok here to do this with. Happy to buy and even give some back as pickled.

southerngurl, Jan 17, 4:25am
Ours has heaps of green on it, I don't know much about walnuts

anne1955, Sep 19, 8:33am
Hi Southerngurl The stage I am trying to get them at is before the nut sets inside and one is meant to be able to put a needle sewing heavier one or a kebab type stick through it. I to am just new at use of them at this stage and hence why I'd like to try them :) Could you try with one for me and let me know please? Thanks Anne