Recarpet the house

-cloud, Dec 16, 6:55pm
Hey we're looking to recarpet the house. Are there any companies you recommend in the Wellington region? Thanks

vomo2, Dec 17, 2:42am
Cant answer your question but will pass on that when we carpeted the house we had extra thick underlay put in for a real cushioning effect

kaddiew, Dec 17, 3:30am
I chose the extra thick underlay too, when I recarpeted. It looked and felt great for a short while, but in high traffic areas the carpet still flattened & the thick underlay crushed right down as far as it could go - so think it looks worse than it might have with a medium underlay. And the dents from furniture legs etc are much deeper. I would go for a medium underlay next time.

shanreagh, Dec 17, 5:27am
I have used A-Z Flooring in Adelaide Road Newtown and Carpet Court in Killbirnie. Had excellent service from both.

marlin9, Dec 18, 3:00am
Carpet Mill in Hamilton will have a rep down your way

-cloud, Dec 23, 1:41am
Has anyone used smartstrand carpet? how are these? there seems to be mixed reviews about them online.

lilyfield, Jul 1, 3:41am
I bought a house with this freshly laid. 4 years later I am very happy with the product. Stains easy removed with a bit of Handy Andy. Have not totally shamppood it yet,
Lovely soft and warm ,no signs of wear yet.