It's called Convulvus! Unwind it ,if you can, from the plant, wrap it up around itself and whilst wearing waterproof gloves dunk the whole runner into a small tub of Woody Weed Killer solution. Lay the dunked plant on some plastic on the ground. Woody weed killer is tough on other plants. If the runner is too long, cut it off at about a metre from the ground, and roll that up and dunk it. Unwind the rest off the plant. It chokes plants.
Feb 7, 5:47pm
No you can get rid of it. I have tried containers with the warehouse G360 weedkiller (same as Roundup but quarter the price) in it diluted, put a growing tip in it, and it kills the plant. but it will always be around, spray it at first sight of it.
Feb 7, 5:52pm
Only if it is coming from the neighbours - which it often is.
Feb 7, 9:28pm
Yep, know that feeling. That and moth vine.
Feb 8, 12:18am
It's best to dig out the roots if you can. Otherwise if there are no other plants around then spray with glyphosate. Otherwise unwind as much as you can and soak it in glyphosate.
Feb 8, 12:36am
And if you keep pulling it out before it flowers, it should die down over time. Horrible stuff!
Feb 8, 4:18am
woody weedkiller
Feb 8, 12:14pm
Weedkiller. pretty easy to poison.
Feb 8, 10:47pm
AKA. Morning Glory , the most horrible, invasive weed you could have, and is very hard to get rid of. It can be a long ,slow process, i ended up attacking it with a weed eater, gathering up and burning when dry, then ,watching closely,as soon as little shoots start coming up, spraying with round up.
Feb 9, 6:00am
Make that two neighbours.
Feb 11, 1:49am
3. Plus it has the luxury of having wrecked cars to climb over.
Feb 11, 2:59am
We've just got it coming through within the last year. Noticed it from one neighbour. Then the other did some weed eating right on boundary. All the cutting stuff flying over in the air. Next thing heaps of it in garden. Bl**dy frustrating.
Feb 11, 3:35am
My other side has a space ship.
Buses - At least they would have looked nicer covered in greenery and white flowers.
Feb 12, 2:57am
Then you haven't met asparagus asparagoides! Much worse than Morning Glory.
Feb 12, 3:03am
went on a steam excursion Auck to Tauranga. While waiting for the Diesel engine to be coupled at the western end of the Kaimai tunnel - I counted about 5 noxious weeds on the railway land within sight of the carriage window. The guy in the opposite seat counted 10 more.
Feb 12, 4:59am
If they used steam engines instead of diesel the weeds would regularly be set on fire.
Feb 12, 2:10pm
Banvine is also a good spray for it.
Feb 23, 5:14am
only way to get rid of it is to spray with your weapon of choice everytime you see it starting to grow hit it with some more spray, if its a big infestation it will take some time but its the only way. vigilance and persistance
May 31, 12:21am
We cleared a serious take-over bid by convolvulus using woody weed killer.But I was told to paint some of the leaves/shoots with it You put shoots into the stuff too. Pulling it out every time you see a shoot works well-trace back to roots though
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