Garlic Harvesting when in Canterbury?

courtney2004, Nov 27, 7:02pm
When is it time to harvest all different garlic types! I am growing a couple Elephant garlics and a few others and having read a few things about 100 day crop I think thats wrong so I am wondering when would be be best to harvest it. and is it to late to now put a last bit of fert on them I have just cut off a few of the seed thingys that have come up on the Elephant one like I was told to.

reggienz, Nov 27, 7:48pm
Just googled it. Dig up the roots (don't pull) when the bottom few leaves are just brown . Store in an airy shed out of sunlight till cured then use as you wish.

tonijo, Nov 27, 11:23pm
Around late January I pull mine.spread them out in the garage to dry, and then plait to hang.They keep for 12 months.

mark_g, Nov 27, 11:55pm
Depends on when you planted it!

The old general guide was plant on the shortest day (mid winter), harvest on the longest day (mid summer). So, from that, 6 months from woe to go. If you plant at times other than mid winter then harvest time will not necessarily be 6 months later. Best to go on when the tops brown and dry off.

You can carefully hand dig down beside a bulb and feel how big and developed it is i.e. have the cloves developed yet!

net_oz, Nov 24, 10:43am
Plant them every couple of months and harvest them whenever you need some. You don't have to wait until they are fully mature. I start using mine when the bulbs have formed as i find they have more flavour than when they are old. You only need to wait for them to fully mature if you are not going to have a continual supply. Here in NZ they grow good all year round.