Plant identification. Can someone tell me what this plant is and if it is a weed or not please these have grown in excess of thr

robotnik, Nov 22, 7:55pm
Can someone tell me what this plant is, and if it is a weed or not, please! These have grown in excess of three feet high.

robotnik, Nov 22, 8:05pm
A close-up of the leaves and flowers.

sossie1, Nov 22, 8:10pm
i think it's borage

robotnik, Nov 22, 8:25pm
Excellent, I read that I can boil and eat the leaves and it tastes like cucumber.

deathrockboy, Nov 22, 8:27pm
Looks more like comfrey than borage, which has bright blue star shaped flowers.
It could also be a type of Echium but it's hard to tell from the photos.

kalevala, Nov 22, 8:28pm
Try the small new leaves, also the flowers in salads. It's known as a bee flower and is really beneficial in the garden. Plus useful as a compost activator.

stevee6, Nov 22, 8:34pm

mokaumoi, Nov 22, 9:16pm

jrth420, Nov 23, 8:52am
Definiatly a comfrey great for compost activator.

lemming2, Nov 16, 12:19pm
Comfrey, great for the garden: also can be a good bone or wound healer. But go easy on it: like a lot of useful medicinal plants it can be very toxic if taken to excess.