Best way to store Pumpkins over winter.

kiwibrit2, Oct 27, 1:39pm
We seem to lose quite a number to rot or partial rot over the months. What is the best way to store them (Butternut) and where? Any help appreciated.

veejay13, Oct 27, 3:59pm
Before you pick them make sure the stems are really dry. Store in a cool dry place - I store mine on the garage floor, but not on the concrete. I put a piece of wood under them. Most of them store quite well (like you I grow Butternut)
but I do sometimes lose the odd one towards the end of the winter. No need to cover them.

annies3, Oct 27, 7:00pm
This year we put ours in a net so that they had air around all of them, but we did still have some going off late winter.

jan2242, Oct 27, 7:45pm
I never had luck storing them, But they freeze well. I roast them all then freeze. I know its lots of work but at least there is no waste.

kiwibrit2, Oct 27, 11:20pm
Thanks for info - some say 'late winter' so am I expecting too much for them to be 'sound' now? I did read something about 'curing' them, anyone done this?

maclad, Oct 28, 12:39am
Dipping them in copper before storing should help to kill off any fungi spores, then place on something off the ground like a wire hammock where they get good air circulation. Rotate periodically and remove any dubious ones. leaving them on the vine till they separate is good advice too.

fantail8, Oct 28, 10:30pm
Leaving them on the ground until they separate is only good advice if you are somewhere reasonably dry. Here in the king country we lose them to rot if they are left that long due to amount of moisture

books4nz, Oct 29, 7:38am
I place a piece of timber under them from when they're small, checking it occasionally so the pumpkin is still on it as it grows - keeps it away from bare soil or lawn.

kiwibrit2, Oct 29, 12:41pm
OK - I think I have lots of info now to make sure I have done my best to avoid rot, thank you all.

alfred011, Oct 31, 4:57am
Get an old wire wove bed frame hang it from the shed rafters and put the pumpkins on that they were store for ages ,market gardeners just store them in wooden vegetable bins .

garym, Aug 12, 6:53am
We stored all ours- 7 or 8 on the bottom of the barbq and this stays on the terrace so it's warm but airy- works well and we still have one left from last year