Giant pumpkins?

jules., Jan 5, 1:25am
Hi all, my daughter is growing giant pumpkins for the mitre 10 comp.she has managed to get 2 plants from 2 seeds, yay!
They are doing really well, my questions is about the flowers, so far they all seem to be male (long stem with flower on the end) flowers, how does she get the female flowers to get the pumpkins!

dibble35, Jan 5, 2:42am
They will come, mine has just set its first pumpkin after many male flowers

jules., Jan 5, 2:43am
Yay, thanks :)

canz, Jan 5, 7:27am
yep was going to say that, also if you want a biggy, keep just 1 or 2 pumpkins, then when it gets bogger, choose just one, and lots of water

jules., Jan 6, 2:33am
Thanks guys, daughters getting excited now.'when I win.', haha, told her not to count her pumpkins just yet!

canz, Jan 7, 5:01am
get your daughter making comfrey tea now, so it will be ready to water them

mybooks, Mar 21, 5:51pm
How are her plants growing now. - good for you for teaching her gardening.