Anyone no what is the best way to store Pumpkins?

ydanluc, Mar 31, 6:52pm
Have picked alot of pumpkins and don`t no best way to store them so they doent go rotton thanks

tourer100, Mar 31, 6:57pm
Most importantly, retain stalk on pumpkin or they wont keep. Store in dark, cool place

honzee, Mar 31, 7:39pm
With as long a stalk as possible and don't have them touching, allow air to circulate around them. Check every week for ones going off.

lythande1, Mar 31, 8:54pm
In a cool dark place.

mark_g, Mar 31, 10:08pm
All of the above - AND - optionally you could dip the pumpkin into a bucket full of water with about 1-2 caps of janola.

The bleach gets into those cuts and blemishes in the skin where bacteria might be present and deals to the bacteria. This potentially can make some of your pumplin last longer thsan they otherwise might have.

A little bleach never hurt anyone (that I'm aware of.) and can only help IMO.

studentkyle, Apr 1, 12:31am
anyone else corroborate the bleach idea.thats sounds like a winner

samanya, Apr 1, 1:12am
Of course a little bleach never hurt anyone . some people drink it every day through their taps via chlorinated water & our kids swim in it by way of public swimming pools.
My problem with storing my pumpkin crop in a dark cool do I keep the blardy rodents out!
The %^$#@ things love to have a good chomp on my pumpkins & I haven't got a cool dark place in my house!

thedoth, May 5, 12:57pm
Cool dark shed sitting on a shelf made of wire netting, like an old wire wove bed base so air can circulate around whole pumpkin.