New to raising chickens -advice

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maryteatowel1, Mar 14, 11:41pm
ricp.I got them off a trader on here .and he got them off a trader on cant name names but if you look at my feedback you will see a note I left myself so I would know where the eggs came from.they are very nice chooks.

purplegoanna, Mar 15, 3:39am
now ive got 4 Rhode island reds and 4 barred rocks hatched this morning.2 bit dodgy but will get up every 2hrs to check & to make them drink some gastrolytes for energy.theyll make it but ust not as stronger as the other fluff balls.

pandaeye, Mar 15, 4:58am
178, they lay from 4-8months old. Most frizzles in NZ are mongrels, so depends what breed they are crossed with.

bullnzl, Mar 15, 12:39pm
thanks for that think it might be the chooks choice in the end - if it lays it stays, if it gets fat enough they'll be into the pot! Great thread btw - I read it often

maryteatowel1, Mar 15, 3:51pm
How are those RIR coming along purplegoanna! I'v got one already and want to get a few more in spring.they seem to be very good layers.then that will be it as far as breeds go I think.That will be white leghorns, barred rocks, new hampshire reds and rhode island leghorns turned 20 weeks last Friday and no eggs yet.waiting, waiting, waiting

maryteatowel1, Mar 16, 12:22am
Gee life is really funny.get home from work and what do I find in the chook house.
96_full.jpg.the big white one is from my old leghorn and the brown one from my RIR and the little itsy bitsy one is the start of many great things from one of my new leghorns.although I'm hoping they get a little bigger.ages ago one of my entertaining friends had told me that if you mix a little curry powder in with their feed they will start laying.well you guessed it, last night I did this and wow today I have one very small egg.yay! I will never know if it was the curry or not but there you go

purplegoanna, Mar 16, 2:53am
#183 ive got 4 theyre sooooooooo cute little ginga ninjas, one struggled from hatching so i got up every 2hrs last night to dip its beak in water and made sure it was in the warm spot etc now its so friendly, quite happy to cruise around tuckt between me boobys.out of chicks theyre definatley the cutest & friendliest. The 3 day olds are in the factory having a fieldday, theyve finally got the courage to go down to the unheated end of the brooder and they buuny hop back.

maryteatowel1, Mar 16, 1:41pm
nice wont be long before they are running around in that coop

purplegoanna, Mar 16, 3:33pm
maryteatowel im from warkworth, born & bred. im one of the bohemians from puhoi.

maryteatowel1, Mar 16, 11:09pm
purplegoanna.we're between matakana and leigh.only moved here 6 months ago and really love the area, dont plan on ever moving now.I went to a music festival at puhoi 2 years ago at the orchard that makes the feijoa wine.really nice, so was the wine.I got another small egg today yay!

koru_designs, Mar 18, 7:50am
Re #177 Has the chook been fine up till now! It could be something as simple as a Vit D deficiency (which can cause weakened legs) or it could be something serious like Marek's Disease (which causes paralysis & is usually fatal). Marek's can present with a stilted gait or lack or coordination.or complete paralysis of both legs (in which case, one leg will point forward & the other one back under the body). I think if it were me, I'd separate the bird (because Marek's is contageous) & give her a vit supplement (you can get them from a feed supply store - just op it in her water). If she doesn't improve or her gait is getting worse/she seems paralysed, maybe take her to the vet. Another common symptom of Marek's is grey cloudy eyes.but in younger birds it can just present as weight loss even though they're eating well, then sudden death. Also check her feet & legs for trauma, mites & absecesses (eg bumblefoot makes them walk funny). If you want more symptoms of Marek's, let me know. Hope she improves soon.

jules., Mar 18, 7:16pm
hi koru-designs, i had been told it could be just a vit deficiency, i had tried all the vets and pet stores in my area and no one cas any supplements for chooks at the moment. i have had her seperate for a few days now. shes still eating and drinking fine. sometimes she tries to stand and falls. her right leg seems to be worse, it apears stiff now, polking out the front (forward) at times. her eyes are fine. i cant find any sign of cuts etc. shes 9 1/2 weeks old now. the kids are upset with the thought of her dying. any more suggestions would be helpful. thanks :)

purplegoanna, Mar 18, 8:27pm

koru_designs, Mar 19, 12:21am
I use SoluVet for my girls But AviCal is also good. The vitamin supplements you find at a pet shop are usually designed for budgies or other pet birds - they should be ok for your chooks. Just make sure you change the water each day - I find mine starts growing things by the 2nd day if I don't change it every day (ick!).

purplegoanna, Mar 19, 12:43am
koru are you on town supply or bore/tank water, i find bore/tank goes sour faster & grows algae faster too.

koru_designs, Mar 19, 1:03am
As for Marek's. .it takes several different forms & symptoms are different for each one. It's a form of the herpes virus that affects the nerves & is really common - especially with younger chooks. Lots of tumors develop within the nerves & other body parts (depending on the form of Marek's the bird has - different forms affect different parts of the chook). Characteristics of the nerve form of Marek's (which causes paralysis) include progressive paralysis, weight loss, anemia, laboured breathing & diarrhea. The virus can be passed on via direct contact or contact with things like contaminated litter, dust, dander (the virus concentrates in the feather follicles), or insects in the litter that spread the disease. Apparently it can survive for years. So if she does end up having it, you'll have to clean her coop out *really* well.

koru_designs, Mar 19, 1:04am
cont. There's no treatment for it (many chooks are carriers but it doesn't present unless they're stressed or something triggers it). The number one thing that would indicate Marek's is if her legs sort of do the splits - one points forward & the other backwards. If her legs aren't stiff & in opposite directions, it is probably something else. Another possibility is botulism (or maybe some other poisoning, eg fungal, yellow jasmine, etc).the pseudo-botulism form causes leg weakness & resembles Marek's. The only problem is that birds with pseudo-botulism tend to recover quickly, so if she's been like this for a while, it probably isn't the cause. Treatment for botulism includes removing the source of the posioning & treating the bird with a molasses or epsom salts flush. She's really too young for Cage Fatigue (vit deficiency that causes leg weakness) & she's probably too old for epidemic tremor. I'm assuming she's getting lots of water & isn't too hot (heat stroke & acute lack of water also cause leg weakness).

koru_designs, Mar 19, 1:04am
cont. So.what to do from here.see how she goes on a course of vitamins. This will help with a vitamin deficiency (incl things like rickets, etc) & she should show improvement pretty quickly if that's the case. If it's poisoning (incl Botulism), the vitamins will help but you should also check there's nothing in the surroundings that could be poisoning her or her flock (if you need directions on doing a flush, let me know). If it's the neural form of Marek's, she'll probably end up looking like she's doing the splits. If she has Marek's, the kindest thing is to get her put sown (unfortunately) - it's not treatable & birds end up dying because they can't get to food or get trampled by the other birds.or because it goes to their lungs or other organs. Good luck & hopefully the vitamins will do the trick & she'll be up & around in no time!

koru_designs, Mar 19, 1:07am
Sorry about my bad spelling! Re #195 We're on town supply. Normally the water is fine but with the vitamin supplement, it seemed to get icky pretty quickly - maybe because of all the added nutrients.just right for a passing mold spore to grow a little colony in my chooks' water bottle!

koru_designs, Mar 19, 1:10am
Oh.also give her. more protein while she's ill. Things like mealworms or grated hardboiled egg or some yoghurt mixed in with oatmeal. It'll help her while she's convalescing.

jules., Mar 19, 1:54am
koru_designs you really are a wealth of chook knowledge. i will try again tomorrow to get some avical and see how she goes over the weekend.

koru_designs, Mar 19, 1:59am
Good luck If you can get a more complete vitamin supplement, choose that over the AviCal (which just has calcium & Vit D).but the AviCal will be better than nothing. Anything for caged birds should generally be ok.

koru_designs, Mar 19, 2:01am
I really shouldn't press return before I've posted lol. Try feed stores or farm supply stores 1st (or even big pet shops) - they'll have a wider range of stuff than the pet shops.

jules., Mar 19, 3:47am
i think if the chicken coop is raised off the ground and theres not lots of food scraps left around, it should be ok.
maybe someone else has some other ideas!

tractor9, Mar 20, 5:05am
Yep, clean out any leftover food each day and don't feed the chooks just before roosting time. If possible, don't feed them near the coop - bit hard to do this if they're not free range though.