Cleaning a deck with janola

rich1969, Apr 11, 3:54pm
Who's done it and what was the end result like? Do you have to dilute it or do you use pure janola? Thanks

karrie3, Apr 11, 4:11pm
I used neat Janola once on a deck. There was a blackish spot under a pot plant that I couldn't get clean with anything else. It took the black away but left a light yellow spot on a grey kwila deck which looked odd.
Perhaps I should have diluted it or used something else !
There's bound to be something more suitable

zak410, Apr 11, 7:04pm
I think bleach can deteriorate wood fiber if used undiluted, especially on soft wood like Radiata pine.

wasgonna, Apr 11, 11:25pm
I always waterblast my deck first and when dry have sprayed with a 50/50 water/janola mix. Shouldn't need doing again for around 3 years.

rich1969, Apr 12, 12:23am
Thanks for the replies everyone

zoopa, Apr 12, 6:12am DIY deck cleaning solution

rusty-bones, Apr 12, 3:13pm
Yes it's fine, but janolas dare buy the cheap bleach, home brand or something. I have been cleaning my deck and concrete like this for years, and we have a hugh deck. Hose it down first and keep the hose handy. Put the bleach in a bucket. I use a wide bucket so the scrubbing brush can fit in. Do little areas at a time. So wet the area really well then scrub it well with bleach then wait a minute or two then hose off, and continue like this. I use a long handled really short hard bristled brush. It comes up wonderful. Does not effect my plants, dog, cats, or chickens.

rich1969, Apr 12, 3:30pm
Thanks for that, do you dilute the bleach ?

rusty-bones, Apr 12, 6:10pm
No I don't, because the deck is soaked. But you can a bit to, use to do this and it still works well, just add a little water goes around abit further this way. I do my concrete to, and garden statues, or old chairs etc. ???

rich1969, Feb 5, 10:01am
Thanks very much for the help