Dwarf fruit trees

hayster94, Feb 3, 6:42pm
Hi, I'm looking at getting one of these. Does anyone know how much fruit 1 tree would produce? and if grown in a pot how large does it need to be?


bluefrog2, Feb 3, 6:46pm
I've seen citrus trees about 1 m high or less, fruiting in pots about the size of a barrel.
What size probably depends on what fruit/variety you're planting. The nursery you buy it from should be able to provide information.

lythande1, Feb 3, 7:01pm
I have had a dwarf citrus for 3 years now. 1st year - none. 2nd year - 15.
This year - seems around 25.
It's still only half my height.

maclad, Feb 3, 9:16pm
What are we talking here, peaches, nectarine, feijoa or just citrus.

lemming2, Feb 3, 10:36pm
I have a Tahitian Lime in a tub - not even 1/2-barrel size. Usually get about 20 limes off it. I have a dwarf Orange now, too - only had 3 fruit last year and they hadn't ripened before their weight broke the top of the tree off:(( It has 2 new oranges on this year, as I have pulled most of the fruit off till its branches are stronger.
I have planted a dwarf peach in the ground. Last year after I planted it, to my surprise it had 3 beautiful ripe medium size fruit. This year, it flowered like mad, and has had about 50! yes 50 small, sweet peaches, some of which I am just about to go and bottle, some of which I will freeze tonight. The whole tree is about 1 metre across and 1 metre high, if that .

hayster94, Feb 4, 12:49am
Awesome. I plan on getting a nectarine or peach one and by the sounds of it they are fruiting at the moment

maclad, Feb 4, 1:02am
You would need a substantial pot and then keep up the fertilizer and more importantly the water. Growing in pots works but it takes much more attention to details. A dwarf nectarine or peach will in time produce a lot of fruit if cared for properly and that includes a winter spray program to help avoid brown rot and curly leaf. If you do not control these two diseases then it is not worth growing these trees.
I have seen these dwarf trees grow to about 1.5M x 1M wide

loukirby, Feb 4, 2:04am
I have a nectarine and peach in pots, they are a pair and pollinate each other. Got them from mega a few years back and fruited the following summer. I have circled each one with chicken wire as the dog knocks fruit and flowers off with his tail. I will also protect them from the spring winds next spring by putting frost cloth or wind break material around the chicken wire to increase the development of fruit.

lemming2, Feb 4, 4:12am
I sprayed with copper at bud burst, and again a few weeks later. Haven't needed to do again. Will repeat next Spring. I had just a few leaves affected with leaf curl, and only 1 peach with a little brown rot - which isn't surprising, after the last couple of days' rain. I got 3 x 1/2quart bottles tonight, and will freeze the rest still on the tree. Maybe not a huge crop, but I'm thrilled with it!

sophie98, Jul 27, 12:16am
I have a peach its wonderful not grown in a pot though its about five years old and produces a lot of fruit. Blosom on them are very pretty to. I think you
would need a huge pot for it .Mine would be 1.5 at least now.