What veges are good to plant in the garden now?

clarebear19, Apr 21, 3:30am
What veges are good to plant in the garden now! From seeds or cuttings TIA

antoniab, Apr 21, 3:38am
Ive just put in broccoli, cabbage, mizuna, and kale seedlings. I am going to sow some seed for carrots, rocket, spinach, beetroot and celeriac tomorrow :)

clarebear19, Apr 21, 4:14am
Excellent - thanks for that

thistle4, May 10, 5:41pm
I have got Spinach, Silverbeet, Pac Choy, Broccoli, Broccoflower, Beetroot, Cabbage, Cauli, planted out and lots of seeds ( herbs and veg) germinating in the greenhouse. I have lettuce in hanging baskets on the deck, great for just taking a few leaves as and when required.