BEEHIVE in the side of house.

mr_lovebug, Mar 29, 5:17am
Got a really loud (thinks large) bee hive in the wall,there are beind the weather boards & jib.

There is about 30 to 40 bees coming/going per 10 seconds!

It's really bad.

I know it can't be killed,as the bees are prtected by law.

maclad, Mar 29, 5:42am
I don't think bees are protected but as they are fewer and fewer, due to the Varroa mite, I and many others are loathe to kill them. As they are in behind the weatherboards this maybe your only option as removing them with the intention of rehoming may prove too costly. Google beekeepers in your area or talk to local council, they may know of a beekeeper, and that person may have some helpful ideas.
You sound a little unsure as to if they are bees so I guess the first thing is to positively ID them. If wasps then there are lots of effective ways to kill them.
Failing that you could always try an eviction notice.

mr_lovebug, Mar 29, 5:45am
I have spoken to friends that work for the local council & yes they are protected by law.

les6, Mar 29, 7:42am
if they have just arrived you may be able to get a beekeeper to setup a proper hive next to where they go in and out and they may move into the new hive and he can take them away.if they have built combs etc and started brooding young bees!

malone4, Mar 29, 8:12am
having a bee box next to the hive wont work as the bee's keep going back to where the queen is. you would have to remove the queen to re-home them. unfortunately the only way is to tear the weather board off ,smoke them and scoop them out but unless you have the right gear such as a bee suit and smoker you'd bee best to get a bloke in.

hnmcg, Mar 29, 10:37am
I would try contacting a local bee keeper club etc.
Dad had a beehive in the wall of their roughcast house. With the help of a friend from work who is a bee keeper they successfully transferred the bees to another hive. Had a funnel thing attached to the exit hole on the wall that allowed the bees out but not back in.

mr_lovebug, Mar 30, 2:54am
The problem is so bad that the council worker that had a quick look THINKS it is going to need a builder & consent as the problem has grown over the last 2 or more years,spoke to the neigbour & they have had a BEE problem for at least 2 summers & the Bees are coming from the place that I am in.

I think that this problem is going to cost a truck load of money.

les6, Mar 30, 3:12am
a tablespoon of carbaryl powder at the entrance,problem solved.A dinky toy truck is all you will need.

maclad, Mar 30, 4:00am
So if bees really are protected and you have little alternative but to spend lots of money on saving them, won't insurance come to the party.

deathrockboy, Mar 30, 10:52am
Under what legislation are they protected!
I can't find anything on the government website.

I remember seeing swarms in Hamilton one year and someone killed them by dousing them with petrol and lighting them.

les6, Mar 31, 3:21am
would have thought that vaaroa would have dealt with your bees after two years!

mottly, Mar 31, 3:28am
get in touch with a beekeeper, some even advertise and pay to remove the nests for you. Don't kill them, they're struggling enough nowdays.

pestri, May 4, 5:51pm