Persimmon trees?

ayjay1, Mar 23, 5:11am
What fertilizer do you use on a Persimmon tree please!

nchun, Mar 23, 6:18am
Persimmon are fruiting trees that thrive on organic manures (compost, blood and bone, chicken manure, seaweed, comfrey leaves, peastraw, etc). Depending on the age of the tree, apply a good couple or three handfuls of blood and bone, then much well with a good quality compost. Do this in early spring, early summer, and late summer.

ayjay1, Mar 23, 8:05am
Thank you for that information .Cheers

scoonie1, Apr 29, 10:15pm
JUST TO add like all fruiting trees, potash isessentialfor the development of flowers and fruit. Additional "K"can be added as sulphate of potash applied late winter , spring or summer .Potash influences fruitcolour and flavour, increases frost tolerance of plants. I use nitrophoska and they grow like stink on it nitrophoska is a high analysis compound fertilizer with a plethora of trace elementsuse it and dont look back