Puriri trees

rdeans, Feb 23, 1:28am
We have 10 Puriri trees growing down our driveway, they have been there for 5/6 years and the first few years we protected them from the frosts in winter so they are now getting reasonably large ( between 2 and 3 meters). This year one has just slowly died leaf by leaf and we now see another is doing the same. Has anyone any suggestions as to what the problem could be. Many thanks in anticipation.

lalbagh, Feb 23, 4:20am
If it is dying older leaves first and then younger ones last, it may be dying from lack of water.- could be the dry summer! Have you watered them!
If they are wilting and all the leaves dying at once, could be root disease, orpoisoning.

rdeans, Feb 23, 6:11am
Thanks for your input lalbagh, I would of thought after 5/6 years that their roots would have got down far enough to not have to worry to much about water but maybe we will give that a go because it has been fairly dry although a couple of smaller showers.They are dying from the inside to the out really strange. First one did get new shoots but then they also died .

tigra, Feb 23, 6:58am
No sign that anybody has attacked them! Maybe contact the person at your local council who specaliseds in shrubs and trees to come and have a look. If its the dry summer they would have heard reports of others so faced.Have to say its been really dry in Wellington too since Xmas and the Puriri trees we have are doing well but they are many years old.

squeaking, Feb 23, 7:15am
we have had 2 die last year because of the dry weather,they were both 40 odd years old, and i also remember an article in the local paper saying that Puriri dont like the exstended hot dry weather

rdeans, Mar 20, 2:58pm
Thanks everyone will have to put the hose out there for a while. Heres hoping.