Potatoes. I have a lot of potatoes any ideas on how to store them so they do not turn green or sprout

dreamer55, Mar 1, 6:29pm
I have a lot of potatoes, -any ideas on how to store them so they do not turn green or sprout

cantabman1, Mar 1, 6:35pm
Suggest you dig them up and clean any excess dirt away from them, making sure that they arent wet or damp. Find a good heavy sack and put them away in a dark space away from any sunlight, but not on concrete.
A shelf of some kind would be good with some cardboard or more sacking underneath to take up any moisture.
Any spuds that are damaged or split should be used up asap and not placed for storage as they will rott.

lythande1, Mar 1, 6:48pm
Just make sure they are dry and no light gets to them.

floss34, Mar 1, 8:19pm
Our neighbours leave thiers on the ground till required as once they dug them up and a worm/bug got in them and ruined them all :(

wendalls, Mar 1, 11:49pm
Im no expert but read somewhere that you could store them in the ground. Maybe not if it gets water logged. Google it

midget8, Mar 10, 12:14am
I dig mine,spread them on hessian sacks or old sheets with sacks or dark coloured sheets on the top. I keep them on the back deck where they cant get wet,and no sun gets to them-leave them til they are completely dry, then bag them intopaper rubbish bags-shove one bag inside the other and keep in a coolish,dark and dry place-preferably where rats can't get at them.In my new little place they have to be inside in the kitchen,but is coolish up here so they keep really well.Only keep enough for myself inside-so 1 x bag.Bit of a pain in the kitchen but no choice.

terachaos, Mar 10, 12:57am
Just wondering if the conditions are okay to sneak in another crop before the frosts arrive! Have grown some and harvested them, but grown from organic spuds that sprouted, have similar starting to sprout now and thought I'd test the waters as to whether or not to go ahead and plant them!

cantabman1, Apr 10, 9:53pm
No, sorry Graham, its far too late now for another crop; especially in Taupo.