Planting Hebe Emerald Green

1rad8, Feb 14, 6:40pm
I bought two Emerald Green Hebes early last year from Mitre 10 and I planed it in a wonderful planter box just bought for it with compost and potting mix in it.After a few months,it seems like the hebes are slowly dying.There is more dried leaves than green.I tried fertiliser,worm wee but nothing.I have also transplanted them,two months ago,into my garden where plants seem to grow well.But no luck,it has not grown in size nor sprouted new leaves.They are in a really sad state.Anyone knows what could be wrong!
I bought a pH tester for the soil to see what could be wrong but its in transit.

wheelz, Feb 14, 7:25pm
The state you describe them, seems to be the norm. Lovely looking while on shop floor, then turn to $@/# when planted at home!

1rad8, Feb 14, 7:51pm
yup sounds like it lol

mwah, Dec 16, 11:21pm
Is it in a windy spot?
Potting mix often need sand mixed through & soil wetter added...

mwah, May 25, 11:05am
Hebe's aren't into hot windy spots. Sounds like you aren't in NZ anymore!