Planting bean seeds

frank1, Mar 3, 9:31pm
Can bean seeds be planted as soon as removing from mature beans!

flier3, Mar 3, 9:35pm
I would think they would have to be dried first.

frank1, Mar 4, 12:08am
Yeah,my thoughts too!

wendalls, Mar 4, 12:30am
I tried 4 after finding them dried up in a pod and after a few days on my windowsill and 1 germinated.

les6, Mar 4, 2:16am
save them for springtime!

frank1, Mar 4, 2:54am
Have a hothouse tho--so maybe let them dry,then plant--oh well time will tell I guess

thistle4, Mar 4, 1:50pm
I just take them from the mature pods and stick them in the ground all year round.

peter148, Mar 5, 12:28am
Ditto, just throw them on the ground now and they will germinate when they feel ready.I wait until the pod has turned brown and dried off first, and sometimes throw the whole pod on the ground.

cantabman1, Apr 5, 2:00pm
its too late now to grow any beans before the winter.
As for next spring, my advise would be to grow your beans in small trays first to about 20cm then plant them out. That way you will have a full row growing along the fence, and they germinate quicker in trays.