DIY Landscaping ideas/suggestions please

terachaos, Jan 28, 1:29pm
We live in a rural setting but on a busy main road. Most of our house/section area is pretty much private except for the south facing side. We have loads of deciduous trees on that side of the house, but now the trees have become unmanageable and overgrown and really need to come out. Also have had to deal with rats in the roof, probably as a result of having access, via the trees.

Does anyone have any ideas how to restore privacy that's not going to cost an arm and a leg! We have plans to renovate the house on that side too, and value our privacy.

piquant, Jan 28, 2:34pm
I think you have pretty much answered your own question there - "the trees have become unmanageable and overgrown".Did it not occur to you that trees grow and DO need maintenance - just like most other things! The problem now is - have the trees grown beyond having formative pruning! My best suggestion to you is to get in the services of a QUALIFIED Arborist and ask for their best advice. Don'tget in a cowboy who knows nothing about the growth habits of trees and reckons the only good tree is a felled one. At least, this way - you may yet still be able to retain some privacy from the trees. But it is so very difficult to give sound and informed suggestions without seeing the problem. Whatever happens though, please remember that trees are best pruned as they are growing to maintain a good shape and size. If you do it regularly, then you will barely notice the "corrective" surgery - the options open to you now will tend to look OK in summer but more obvious in winter. Good luck with your problem.

terachaos, Jan 28, 4:00pm
That's me told off good an' proper lol! Trees came with the property, and not being that knowledgeable thought it a good idea to let the trees grow. I love them all, and we have a multitude of birds that live within them. I would not like to see the birds homeless.

Your idea of an arborist, is great; invest in some professional management of the trees rather than getting rid of them and starting again. Will consult the Yellow pages. Thanks.

piquant, Jan 28, 5:23pm
Sorry, terachaos - I wasn't telling you off - just stating the bl***ing obvious - or so I thought! I'm pleased, though, that you have taken the idea on board and would prefer to rectify, if at all possible, rather than start again.
The value of shade and privacy is so often disregarded until it is too late. Years and years of growth dismissed with the swipe of a chainsaw.

secretmissy1, Feb 4, 4:05am
I agree get a professional arborist and don't go on a "kiwi diy she be right mate butcher spree"as a landscaper designer it becomes so tiring going onto rural farmers properties and their wifes saying my husband butchered my tree will it recover! and there is a 4m stump there.

rainrain1, Feb 23, 10:11am
That's if you want to put up with deciduous trees.otherwise get rid of them, redesign, and replant