My house smells- how can i fix it

alba86, Jan 23, 5:56am
had the carpet cleaned when I moved in with a rug doctor and rug doctor solution. the house smelt fine for a few days but then the smell came back. I have tried air freshner, carpet deoderisors, burning incense. the house seems to smell in the later part of the day, especially when its been a warm day, and always worst when I get home, not so bad when I have had the windows open. the place is clean, it just smells. sort of smells like sweat. pretty sure it is not animal urine. maybe the previous tenants had a pet skunk! Any one got any remedies!

carter19, Jan 23, 6:38am
Cheap fix - maybe: buy bulk baking soda from Bin Inn and sprinkle everywhere including curtains etc. Go away for the weekend and come back on Sunday to clean it up. If that doesn't help maybe get a proper carpet clean with deoderiser.

40wav, Jan 23, 6:42am
If it has a wooden floor check underneath for any water leaks in the plumbing, or anywhere surface water may be running underneath and going stagnant or keeping things damp.

lindylambchops1, Jan 24, 12:59am
Suggest you find the source of the smell!

red2, Jan 24, 1:14am
yes check under your house - sounds like water maybe pooling under there which really smells gross

maclad, Jan 24, 3:35am
You mention tennants. Are you renting! I so then your landlord surely must have some responsibility to sort out the issue and if renting then you should not have had to pay to have the carpets cleaned when you moved in. That should have been done when the former tennants vacated.

elect70, Jan 24, 4:19am
The smell is being given off by the woodesp whenhot & house is shut up all day . We had it in a house thatwasalways damp ,thought it was thedogbutaftercarpet steam cleanitwas back within aweek . Got used to it.

skeatsy, Jan 24, 8:51pm
If all else fails use plug in air freshner will work even when out. or the battery ones from supermarket you can have them go off every thirty minutes. also check for mould, you cant always see it, could be in roof or under floor.

kp11, Jan 24, 8:56pm
I'd suspect mould too.Possibly under the carpet from a previous water leak / flood.

brigette6, Jan 25, 6:49am
Burn it down.problem solved

trouty63, Jan 26, 6:51pm
You've checked inside the curtain rods! (old joke btw)

laurie9, Jan 26, 8:13pm
You might have a broken drain under the house.

brn66, Jan 26, 8:16pm
Maybe it's your husband. Kick him out & see if the smell goes!

annies3, Jan 26, 10:18pm
Ours smells too today, the source is the topside roast I left cooking on a gas ring when we went out for an hour and forgot about it, I always use the wood fueled cooker and it is so easy it slows itself down ! the b gas doesnt, thats twice in the last two days I have been careless, lesson leared I think and a fair bit of smoke smell in the kitchen dinning and lounge to remove, not nice.
Thank goodness for a solid cast iron pan which kept most of the problem inside itself.

marion3, Jan 28, 7:52am

scoobeey, Jan 28, 10:34am
go and buy all the chinese shop supplies of insense and have a party haha

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