What to plant now?

haysim, Jan 5, 8:16pm
Hi, I just wondered if it was too late to plant cherry tomatoes! Also what else could I be looking at planting now. I have cucumbers, pumpkins, cauliflower, broccoli, capsicum, lettuce.

Also I have recently brought a mandarin tree. Will it grow ok in Chch!

Thank you

stevee6, Jan 5, 8:56pm
Cherry tomatoes will be fine, however if you put the plant in a good sized pot, it's both easier to feed, and you can bring it inside if the weather turns sour earlier than expected.
I'm sowing lettuce and mesclun, baby carrots, radishes, beets etc, and planting courgettes(to take over from the ones already producing), cucumbers, corn, capsicum, basil and other annual herbs.

stevee6, Jan 5, 8:58pm
The mandarin will survive, but needs a fair bit of protection. Against a north-facing wall is best, with protection overhead in winter. Good watering and plenty of compost around the roots and it should cope. Worth a try.

black-dahlia, Jan 6, 4:33am
I have alot of capsicum seedlings maybe 2 inches high is it not too late for them! also my corn is maybe a foot high will that be ok too! my friends is about 5ft and growing corn

edenrose, Jan 6, 9:08am
Is it too late to grow more potatoes!I'm in the Far North.Thanks.

steptoesnr, Jan 18, 2:20pm
Go for it!