Plant ID help please

akl439, Mar 20, 6:55pm
Can anyone help identify this plant please? It's not a liriope. The flower stalk doesn't get any taller than shown. It's from a very old garden. Thank you.

dcon, Mar 20, 7:07pm
Not without a picture - can you provide one?

akl439, Mar 20, 7:11pm

harrislucinda, Mar 20, 7:21pm
that's pretty but cant help sorry

piquant, Mar 20, 9:59pm
That little treasure is Reineckia (pronounced wry-neck-ia) carnea. It's a single species genus, from China and Japan and multiplies by a creeping rhizome. It needs a shady situation and will burn if in full sun. The leaves look ghastly if this happens. Does clump up quite quickly if in the right situation.

akl439, Feb 28, 9:08am
Thanks so much for that useful information. I was going to plant it in shade. Dear little flowers on it.