Looking for this plant?

airyfairy, Mar 4, 11:46pm
Rock Cress Variegata Aubrieta Deltoidea, would like to purchase this as a plant or seeds, if you have some to spare please list them on Trade Me, thanks.

spunkeymonkey, Mar 9, 9:57pm
anyone bump

airyfairy, Mar 10, 7:45pm
spunkeymonkey Thanks for the bump, I did have this plant years ago, my uncle gave me a piece he has now passed on, and when I went to move the plant it died off completely.

airyfairy, Mar 23, 12:06am
Help, still looking for this plant, hopefully a nice gardening person out there has a piece of the plant they would part with and sell to me through trade.

airyfairy, Mar 26, 1:46am
summersunnz thanks for trying to help, although the plant is nice, it isn't the same as the one I've been looking for.

cantabman1, Mar 26, 6:22am
Try the local community garden centre, I'm a volunteer for the one in Strickland st Ch Ch.
I cannot guarantee we have it, but one of the others may do.
Oh, I see you are in the Hut, so try there.

airyfairy, Feb 22, 8:00am
cantabman1, Thanks I will try there.