What might this plant be please?

wine-o-clock, Mar 26, 5:47pm

ro42, Mar 26, 5:59pm
some sort of cotoneaster?

wine-o-clock, Mar 26, 6:08pm
thanks, if it is its coming out and being thrown

strebo, Mar 26, 6:09pm
Google Teucrium fruticans
Makes a reasonable hedge.

wheelz, Mar 26, 6:35pm
Not this. it's one of the cotoneasters

ro42, Mar 26, 6:48pm
Could be, but doesn't look 'silver' enough to me?

wine-o-clock, Mar 26, 6:53pm
def looks like cotoneaster as have dark green leaves. out they come-thanks all!

harrislucinda, Mar 26, 10:11pm
has berries on it don't know the name have it here self sowed Don't like it

maclad, Mar 27, 1:32am
Teucrium fruticans +1

gilligee, Mar 27, 2:24am
It's a weed!
Seeds easily.

niffer13, Mar 27, 2:40am
I agree!

wine-o-clock, Mar 27, 3:00am

nope, my plant does not have flowers or aromatic

sylvia1, Feb 22, 2:05am
Cotoneaster, has red berries