What to plant?

michelle12345, Jan 5, 9:08am
I am after a quick growing hedge to be planted along a fenceline. Doesnt get much sun (shadow of fence in winter), not much wind, soil is average but does drain away. Needs to grow to about 1.8-2m high - i am happy to keep it trimmed to 1.8m if it gives me privacy from the neighbours. Also putting up bamboo screening but it isnt enough so would prefer something really quick!

michelle12345, Jan 5, 9:09am
Also if i buy a 50cm- 100cm plant how quickly can i expect it to grow to 180cm! by this spring!

helianthus, Jan 5, 8:04pm

spiritofgonzo, Jan 17, 11:52am
that's a hard one. full shade all winter, and full sun all summer!Ouch!So when they're 1.8m, will the top halfs be in full sun!Are you willing to clip it 4x a year! (because the faster growing it is, the more you need to clip it once established).How wide do you want it to grow!Perhaps a pittosporum, or a photinia red robin.The both prefer sun, but will handle a bought of shade.Although it sounds like you may be better opting for a 1.8m paling fence, and perhaps growing a climber up it if you want a planted edge there.