Pansies & Petunias past it what to plant now

lindyjack, Jan 3, 9:12am
We have had pansies and petunias but they are now past their best sowe are wondering what to plant now. Garden boxes in full sun.

dbab, Jan 3, 7:06pm
Impatiens (Busy Lizzies) will keep flowering until the frost arrives.

stevee6, Jan 3, 8:51pm
Zinnias, chrysanthemums, snapdragons, alyssum, cosmos.

terachaos, Jan 4, 3:22am
What do you do with spent pansies etc! Compost or leave them in the garden hoping they might self-seed perhaps! When is the best time to plant pansies again please! I'm addicted to them:)

stevee6, Jan 4, 3:28am
If you look at the old flowerheads, you should see some of them have seeded(round pale brownish ball, often split with loads of wee round seeds inside). Often pansies seed if you don't deadhead, so unless they're a hybrid, you should get baby plants pretty soon. I have heartsease year round, and just pull out the old lanky plants to give the new seedlings some room. They go in the compost.

terachaos, Jan 4, 5:00am
Yay! Thanks.haven't been much of a gardener but have had success with pansies this year, well they flowered and didn't die:)

karakagranny, Jan 5, 10:01am
There are some nice dwarf dahlias out now in the garden centres. Very pretty colours and some of the dark leaves are stunning.

lindyjack, Jan 6, 7:16pm
Thqanks everyone for the help. Will do a shopping trip this weekend and replant, possibly impatients.

akjg, Jan 29, 6:04pm
My pansies are just about done too and I can see lots of little seedlings underneath. If I pull out all the older straggly ones, are a variety of colours likely to come up again! They were very pretty in the garden around my deck under the roses so would really like them to stay there :)