Compost. What is the best way to do compostspace is not an issue

love.a.bargain, Jan 2, 6:36pm
What is the best way to do compost!Space is not an issue.

lythande1, Jan 2, 6:42pm
Best! Whatever way you prefer.
You can use a bin - or not.
You can add a variety of things - or just a few.
The main thing, the smaller the ingredients, the faster it breaks down. Mow large chunky things.
Keep it moist but not soggy.
Stir it.

cantabman1, Jan 2, 7:06pm
If you have the space, then create an erea of approx 2 mtrs square.
Have three or four sides to it, a mtre or more high; i use old bread crates wired together to allow air and water thru.
Start off with leafy branches that need trimming, and add lawn clippings/weeds/ a little soil and all the kitchen waists except citrus and oinions.Worms like coffee grounds and you can get more from the BP station.
I'm always adding a little soil over the mix to prevent flys breeding, and water it at the same time as the garden.
Turn it all over after a few weeks with the faulk.

steptoesnr, Jan 2, 9:45pm
I have found as a general rule that compost heaps do not appear to be able to read or listen to nonsensical dogmas such as not using citrus and onions and consequently thrive on them.

aloha3, Jan 2, 9:57pm
I use an old bath, raised to collect the juice and covered to keep out excess water and vermins.A second one is handy. I bought starter worms about 10 years ago. They can't read either as everything goes in.

cantabman1, Jan 3, 9:56am
I'm just following the advise that many gardeners post here, you may well be right, however the worms i produce in my mix allow me to be extremely happy with my own efforts.

gardie, Jan 3, 5:51pm
I don't feed citrus or onions ends although sometimes the odd bit of onion peel finds its way in.Everyone does what works for them - no criticism neededbut all advice welcome IMO.

hutchk, Jan 3, 5:56pm

lythande1, Jan 3, 6:12pm
They happily digest anything you put in them, and really don't care about all the layer stuff people say you must do too.

cantabman1, Jan 3, 7:28pm
If you read my posts on a regular basis, you will find that my spelling is terrible ;try as i do."SORRY"

steptoesnr, Jan 3, 9:05pm
'Faulk' had me wondering but kitchen 'waists' is mind boggling!

gilligee, Jan 13, 5:10pm
I agree.