Vegie patch, Wellington. What to plant now?

jackryan, Jan 2, 12:50am
Any ideas, I've got some pea plants to get in and some little beetroots to put in for autumn. Any other ideas. It's a petite patch so space saving plants would be good.

jackryan, Jan 2, 12:52am
So annoyingly windy here at the moment, I was all go for a good vegie patch session today but will have to wait until this wind dies down.

sweetgurl108, Jan 2, 2:11am
I'm about to put in some blood and bone in preparation for some watermelon but the wind is crazy.Not really suited to a small patch.

nzruth, Jan 2, 7:36am
some lettuce plants

gabbysnana, Jan 2, 8:09am
sign up here
and each month they email you what you should grow for that month in your area. dont get any spam with it.

wessex, Jan 2, 9:08am
Thanks for posting the link. Great

kev_fiona, Jan 2, 9:16am
mesculan sald mixed is very easy to grow and doesn't take up alot of space

thistle4, Jan 10, 4:04pm
I planted more lettuce, Pac Choy, silver beet and beetroot at the weekend. Also putting in Runner Beans every few weeks.