Garden cover ideas

spunkeymonkey, Jan 2, 11:16pm
you got that one right

michelle313, Jan 12, 10:04pm
Hi,I'm pretty new to the landscaping/gardening thing.Can you please give me some ideas to put down on top of weedmat besides bark/wood chips in the garden!Stones obviously, but is there anything else!Thanks

poolgirl6, Jan 13, 2:33am
Is the weedmat already there! Toss it and just plant groundcoverswith some mulch or compost . Weedmat is not a goodway to garden, turns the soil into junk.

mkbooks, Jan 13, 4:32am
Agree, weed mat leaves the soil compacted + slimy underneath the mat, stones aren't much bettter, heat the garden in summer too.
Compost or mulch from big red SHed works quite well

wasgonna, Oct 18, 2:07am
A darn sight easier planting extra plants later on without the terrible weedmat.