I have been having issues with my new paving regarding quality etc. it is going to the disputes tribunal on Friday.
two pavers approved by the supplier have given me quotes to do it properly and both say it has to have a strip drain in it. it currently doesnt. Can anyone point me to the regulations regarding this?
I have asked both a paver and council for a link but no luck. Havent been able to find myself (probably because im looking under the wrong thing?).
The area is laid in 600 x 600 pavers and is approximately 33sqm if that helps.
Thank you!
Mar 24, 1:05pm
There may not be a regulation about this, just best practise for what most well-trained and experience paving contractors would do in that situation.
Mar 24, 2:58pm
The supplier mentioned council regulations and a paver said it may fail the building report if I sell the house so was hoping to find something in wriitjng,
I have asked the guy giving quote so hope he gets back to me in time!
Mar 24, 3:28pm
How is the paving set? is it up against the house and what is the step down from the house floor level to paving level?
Mar 24, 4:19pm
It is set against the house thanks and the house has no steps to the ground, there is a small sill on the bottom of two French doors but that is about 5cm high at a guess.
The paving is laid on sand or gap seven. What the old paving was on, apparently tho the manufactures due to size snd type of paver recommend mortar. And grouted with their resin, Currently neither of those used.
Mar 24, 4:41pm
Yes, it may well be contravening the building code. It depends what the house cladding is but there needs to be a step down of a certain distance from the floor level to the paving. Otherwise a strip drain of 200mm wide x 150 min deep needs to be formed. The step down is dictated by your cladding type. Cheers Stevo
Mar 24, 5:07pm
As Stevo mentions for compliance you would generally need 150mm step down, or a drain against house to stop water ingress. Have a look at building code E2 which might help
Mar 24, 5:36pm
Thank you, the cladding those is stucco (concrete as in 1920s bungalow) and wood on the extension.
Will look that up in the morning, thanks
Mar 25, 12:48am
Ok, for non-brick cladding to concrete or paving, you need a 150mm step from floor level or you need to install a strip drain against the house to comply. From your floor level to grass or garden you need 225mm. NZS3604
Cheers Stevo
Aug 8, 7:48am
Thank you. will look that up and print it out. might sound like i know what im talking about in court lol. Thanks!
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