I have recently cleared out a large area in front of our house, it's quite steep and currently there's a just a few hydrangeas planted. What would be a good shade loving ground cover or other pant that might help with retaining as well? Thanks.
Nov 8, 8:04pm
I have seen Ficus pumila used as a ground cover and it was great. Kept the weeds out and rooted well, never seen it recommended as ground cover but I do not see any problems and it grows reasonably fast. You can also take rooted pieces and transplant for faster cover.
Nov 9, 1:15pm
yip. I just spent the entire weekend getting rid of an amazing crop of wandering Jew
Nov 27, 9:00pm
Hello everyone! I have just pulled up a whole heap (well heaps) of wandering dew. We are putting it in black garden sacks. Is that the correct thing to do? (it is supposed to die in the sacks, no sunlight). Is there a better way? I do not not want to use poisons at all. Also the soil is now exposed. What can I do about that? Is there anything that can be planted at all? Thank you.
Jul 18, 3:16am
Or let the sun shine on the black bags containing the Wandering Jew and cook it to death! Make sure you pick up every last piece as this noxious weed is tenacious.
Shade Groundcovers: Helixine (Baby's Tears) might be nice amongst the hydrangeas. Also Ajuga reptans (Bugle Weed) or Mondo Grass.
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