Berryfruit experts -a question about boysenberries

cameron-albany, Dec 22, 11:55pm
I have a lovely boysenberry bush and the fruit is just starting to turn purple.I've picked what I can, and even though I've covered it with bird netting and am keeping a close eye on things, I'm losing some fruit to critters.

My question is:if you snip off the slightly under-ripe boys (i.e very red but not quite ripe) with some of their stem still on, will they ripen !

matthews4, Dec 23, 1:04am
I have found boysenberrry do not ripen off the bush, and unripe ones very sour.First year I had them, didn't know what colour they were ripe and picked some unripe ones.Not my favourite in our berry house, they are so, so prickly, and such aggresive growers.

net_oz, Dec 23, 1:30am
A ripe boysenberry will fall into your hand when you lift the end of it with your finger. They will actually start to look a bit on the dull side when ripe.

dibble35, Dec 23, 1:35am
I just accept that i'll lose some to birds, there are so many fruit this year, I dont mind so much

cameron-albany, Dec 23, 4:42am
Ok thanks everyone . I'll just leave them a bit longer and fight the birds & wasps off !Not wrong about their prickliness tho 'ouch !My face and hands were scratched just picking a dozen from underneath the bush

bugin, Dec 23, 4:21pm
Hang some old CDs so they spin in the breeze to scare the birds
Clip your netting down with wire hooks onto a board or tent pegs.
Shoot a few with an air gun ,(OH BOO HOO)
All the above ,and the birds are still going to get their share

harrislucinda, Dec 26, 9:02pm